Links to laboratories related to planetary impact processes. Put notes in the subpage under Name (click on ‘Open’ button when hovering over Name).
Needs tags for different capabilities; types of experiments.
Needs information/tutorials about experimental techniques (can be linked to Technical Tutorials and Training
UC Davis Shock Compression Lab (closed 2024)
UC Davis Shock Compression Lab (closed 2024)
Lindhurst Laboratory for Experimental Geophysics (Caltech) (closed 2024)
Lindhurst Laboratory for Experimental Geophysics (Caltech) (closed 2024)
APL Planetary Impact Lab (PIL)
APL Planetary Impact Lab (PIL)
Sandia STAR
Sandia STAR
Experimental Projectile Impact Chamber (EPIC)
Experimental Projectile Impact Chamber (EPIC)
NASA Ames Vertical Gun Range (AVGR)
NASA Ames Vertical Gun Range (AVGR)
ISAS/JAXA (vertical gun)
ISAS/JAXA (vertical gun)
Fraunhofer EMI light gas gun
Fraunhofer EMI light gas gun
University of Tokyo (vertical gun)
University of Tokyo (vertical gun)
NASA JSC Experimental Impact Laboratory
NASA JSC Experimental Impact Laboratory
Johns Hopkins HEMI HyFIRE
Johns Hopkins HEMI HyFIRE
LLNL High Explosives Applications Facility - HEAF
LLNL High Explosives Applications Facility - HEAF
University of Kent Light Gas Gun
University of Kent Light Gas Gun
eXtreme STRuctures & Materials LABoratory
eXtreme STRuctures & Materials LABoratory
Laboratory for Laser Energetics - OMEGA & OMEGA EP
Laboratory for Laser Energetics - OMEGA & OMEGA EP
LLNL National Ignition Facility - NIF
LLNL National Ignition Facility - NIF
LANL Gas Guns
LANL Gas Guns
SWRI Impact Testing
SWRI Impact Testing
Institute for Shock Physics, Washington State University
Institute for Shock Physics, Washington State University
Sandia Z Machine
Sandia Z Machine
Jupiter Laser Facility
Jupiter Laser Facility
Dust Accelerator Lab
Dust Accelerator Lab
Hypervelocity impact laboratory, Chiba Institute of Technology (Horizontal gun)
Hypervelocity impact laboratory, Chiba Institute of Technology (Horizontal gun)
Hypervelocity Impact Laboratory (HVIL) Texas A&M
Hypervelocity Impact Laboratory (HVIL) Texas A&M
Institute of Shock Physics, Imperial College London
Institute of Shock Physics, Imperial College London
Ravichandran Lab (Caltech)
Ravichandran Lab (Caltech)
Shock Physics at Marquette
Shock Physics at Marquette
NEXTEC Nevada Extreme Technologies and Environments Center
NEXTEC Nevada Extreme Technologies and Environments Center