HEMI/MSEE Impact Research Wkshp & Course (July 17-21, 2023)


HEMI/MSEE have announced their Impact Research Workshop and Short Course to be held this summer, July 17-21, 2023 at Johns Hopkins University. The three-day workshop will provide an overview of the fundamental physics and mechanics associated with impact research experiments, followed by a two-day short course providing an opportunity for hands-on setup and execution of a gas gun experiment in the Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute's Hypervelocity Facility for Impact Research Experiments (HyFIRE).

We have confirmed the following keynote speakers, lecturers, and DoD speakers: Dr. Nathan Barton (LLNL), Dr. Saryu Fensin (LANL), Dr. Eric Herbold (LLNL), Dr. David Lambert (AFRL), Prof. KT Ramesh (JHU), Dr. Scott Schoenfeld (ARL), Prof. Naresh Thadhani (Georgia Tech).

Additional details about this event may be found on our flyer

. If interested in attending, please use the following link to register by April 28:

